Gainer Camp is an opportunity for gainers from all over the country to gather for a week of focusing on all things gainer related. This isn't a sex camp or a social camp or a vacation opportunity. This is a serious event for gainers who want to spend a week focusing on gaining with a group of like-minded individuals.
Gainer Camp is held at the Gainer House in Seattle. One of the principles of Gainer House is that good food is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We refer to this as the "open kitchen" model. We have found that giving gainers access to a wide variety of food choices all the time without having to go anywhere is a great way to encourage them to eat as much and as often as they want.
You can look over the 2013 camp tumblr page to see information about how the camp was run.
If you have a grommr account, you can also check out our profile there.